Sunday, May 17, 2009

August 1, 2008 - Boot Camp - End of Week 5

It's the end of week 5 of Beast. Only 2 more weeks to go!!! Yay!!!!!! I am so excited and only 22 days from today I will get to see the biggest smile and get the biggest hug EVER! All of Chase's mail has been really positive. I got to talk to him for about 30 minutes last Sunday. We had a great conversation. He said that he is absolutely loving all of the Army stuff. He got to rapel from a 75 ft. cliff which he said was one of the most exciting things he has ever done. And then he got to go through the tear gas chamber - - let's just say that God is good because he was the first one in, closest to the door, and first to get out. He said when they got in the room and the gas was released that it burned any exposed skin. Then he had to take off his gas mask and say his name, SSN, hometown, and the chemical name for the gas before he could leave the room. He was able to get the first three out before he had to take a breath . . . he said that his lungs burned so bad . . . he sputtered out the name of the gas and got to leave the room. He said it was several minutes before he could see because his eyes were watering so much. Not fun, but a unique experience nonetheless.

They have been running 3 miles - 3 times per week. He said that the running has gotten a lot easier, except that everything is uphill. They did their first 10 mile ruck march last weekend as well, which he was excited about. The final march back at the end of Beast is 12 miles -- he said the 10 miles wasn't that bad so he knows he'll be able to make the 12. By the way - "ruck" is the pack that they have to carry on their backs that weighs about 45 lbs. Can you imagine??

This week they are out in the field, I think at Camp Buckner - doing marksmanship (shooting their M-16s) and learning how to throw grenades. His first "report card" of sorts from his squad leader was that he was not exhibiting many leadership qualities (his first 2 wks of CBT) because he was shy and not vocal enough. By the end of the third week he was getting over the homesickness and was feeling more like himself. He said he had the shiniest shoes in his Company so the other guys in his squad made him show them exactly how he shined his shoes. He said -- "How's that for being a leader, mom?" It was just funny. He had his first BIG room inspection last Saturday. Everything has to be completely dust-free and spotless. He said he and his roommates spent hours cleaning. Then they had to get dressed in their dress uniforms and hats and holding rifles stand for 2 hours while the squad leaders went room to room conducting white glove inspections. He said that they passed with only 3 minor infractions.

He got to call me last weekend because they had their first "break" for a 4 1/2 hour period of time where they got to go hang out at their athletic sponsor, Col. Daniel's, house. It was an ice cream social and he was pumped because he loves ice cream. He says in his letters that he is dying for a coke -- all they get to drink is water and gatoraide. I think he has gymnastics practice everyday next week. That will be awesome! I miss him so much -- and I cannot wait to get to New York!

On another note, Cameron and I finished up our Summer Camp schedule at the gym today. 10 weeks of 20-40 kids a day -- they are sweet, but loud! I am so glad things will go back to normal at the gym next week -- our fall schedule starts which means I'll have my office all to myself next week! I'm so proud of Cameron - he saved his money this summer and bought a Macbook computer and a new playstation and still put money in his savings. He has band camp next week and orientation for his sophomore year. I am so excited about him playing in the jazz band this year!! I've been fighting a sinus/ear/upper respiratory infection for the past 2 weeks which has been no fun. So say some prayers for me, will ya?

Until next time . . .

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