Chase and his Dad.
Chase, Mallory, Pam & Matt.
Kacey & Scott
I rode a mechanical bull for goodness sake -- SOBER -- after the man at the door pulled me in and offered to let me ride for FREE to try to attract customers! Hmm . . . I'm not sure that I like the way that sounds.
Overall, it was a fun night. Chase was recognized everywhere we went for serving his country when his friends would tell the DJ's he was about to leave for boot camp. He was even called on stage by one DJ to do the cha cha slide with him -- it was awesome. And then we took one of his infamous handstand pictures in the middle of Bourbon St. before Chase did flip flops down the middle of the street while people threw him beads from balconies. What a great time! One I will never forget.
Then it was back to work all week - spending my last week with Chase before he leaves - trying to tie up loose ends and make sure he has everything he needs before he leaves. Going to dinner with friends who wanted to spend some time with him before he leaves. We have not gotten to bed before midnight or later this week. One of his teammates' mom hosted a little get together after gym practice today and the guys went swimming and grilled burgers. Chase said it was awesome!! I got stuck at work and then came straight home to a hot bath, my PJs and my computer - where now I sit putting my thoughts down.
It's been a fun but rough week for Chase. He made a very hard decision, but one I am proud of him for. His sweet girlfriend, Michelle, will be a Senior this year. He has been worried about being gone this year and not being here for her homecoming, prom or even graduation. He really did not want her to miss out on anything her senior year, since he will not be here to share those things with her. He felt so lucky to have had her to share his senior year with! They had so much fun together. She really made his Senior year so special. So they broke up this week and I am very grateful that she was so understanding.
So here I sit, on Thursday night . . . washing clothes to try to pack - it makes me sick to my stomach to even think about this weekend. But I do have faith that God will get me through this. It will just take time.
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