Friday, May 22, 2009

Movin' on up . . .

Within the last week, Chase, my son at the United States Military Academy, finished his first year of college, on the Dean's List, I might add (for the second semester in a row)! Woo Hoo! He was also "recognized" in a ceremony this morning that means he is no longer a Plebe. He now moves on to the life of a "Yuk" or "Yearling" (that's a Sophomore in West Point lingo) which means life is now GOOD!

My youngest son, Cameron, finished his Sophomore year of high school, once again with a 4.0! My boys are amazing!! I couldn't be more proud!! Makes me wonder where all their smarts come from. I mean, I did pretty well in school, but I didn't take courses anywhere near as hard as these kids.

So now it's time for our BIG reunion!! We leave for the beach tomorrow for a week of fun in the sun (hopefully). There is a "low" in the Gulf of Mexico that is just sitting there reaking havoc on Florida. I'm praying that the Lord will dissipate that "low" and it will be no more!! Chase has to stay at school until after the Class of 2009 Graduation ceremony tomorrow and then he'll take a bus to the city to catch a plane and fly in to Pensacola where we will pick him up at the airport there late tomorrow night. Have I said how excited I am :o) !!??!! I really don't care where we are or what we are doing as long as the four of us are together as a family. For 3 glorious weeks things will be normal again. Makes a momma's heart kinda full!

I know lots of people who are headed for the beach either for the long Memorial Day holiday or for the week next week. Let's all pray for the weather to cooperate!!

1 comment:

MyAwesomeOliveShoots said...

Woo hoo! You must be busting your buttons being so proud of your family! What a blessing! I'm sure having Nate as a roommate helped him with his grades, right? Seriously, Nate did tell me that he thinks the three of them kept each other motivated. Congratulations on seeing fruit in your boys. I like your blog, I'm now a fan!