We went to Walmart to pick up a few last minute items, and then went to Central Perk, our favorite local coffe shop for a coffee and to tell some friends there goodbye.
Then we went home, finished packing, and waited for my parents to arrive. Maw Maw and Paw Paw came over and we visited for a little while before watching a Boot Camp DVD that was sent to us. My dad gave Chase a St. Christopher medal that my Grandmother gave to him when he left for Boot Camp over 40 years ago. What a special memento for Chase to have.
MiMi and Poppy (my in-laws) showed up shortly thereafter. We had a great visit and Chase was in very good spirits. Everyone said their goodbyes and then we got in the car to drive to New Orleans were we would catch a 1:45 pm flight to Newark, New Jersey.
Our flight was good - the weather was beautiful and we were able to see New York City (the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building) as we landed at the airport. Then we set off for our one hour drive to our hotel at West Point.Sunday was a great day! We spent a couple of hours going to the gift shop, and walkling around the West Point campus. It is so beautiful there -- Chase just kept saying "I'm going to be living here." We had lunch that was scheduled at the Gymnastics Gym with the 3 other gym recruits, their families and the coaches. It was awesome!! The guys formed an immediate bond. 
There was Brandon Long and his mom Susan and his dad (from North Carolina) - he was on the same recruiting trip with Chase back in October:
Jonathan Hoey and his mom Jennifer and his dad and sister (from Los Angeles, CA) - he and Chase were the only two who went to Nationals this year:
Zachary Linton and his mom Loejsa and dad Brandon (from Tennessee):
Brandon comes from a military background, so his parents were more in the know than the rest of us. Zachary, Jonathan and Chase's stories were all similar - not having chosen this military life until more recently. The dads spent lots of time talking with the coaches while us moms sat at the table and shared and shared and shared - it was wonderful! I really felt like I made some new friends - and since our boys will be together for the next four years - I know they will be lifelong friends as well! After a great visit at the gym I suggested that we all have dinner together so that the guys could spend some more time getting acquainted. We had a wonderful visit with the other families! Sunday night we tried to get in bed early - Chase had to report at 0630 (6:30 am) the next morning and we knew it would be a long day. When he came to kiss me goodnight I pulled him in the bed between Randall and I and I just layed there hugging him for what felt like a very long time. 4:45 came way too fast! We got up, took our showers and went down to the lobby for breakfast. Chase was in good spirits - just a little nervous. We headed to West Point to stand in line for about an hour. Chase was in the first reporting group and they were taking them in 44 at a time (because that's how many would fit on a bus). We joked around as we stood in line to keep spirits light.
Then we filed into Eisenhower Hall where we were addressed by one of the "brass" and then told that we had 90 seconds to say our farewells. Ours was brief - a hug, a kiss and "I love you" for each of us and then Chase quickly went and got in line. They filed out of the room and that would be the last time I spoke with him.We walked out of that room with lumps in our throats and tears in our eyes. At the time, I thought that would be the hardest thing I would ever do. We spent some time in a gift shop set up by the Class of 1962. There is this thing called the "50 year affiliation" where the class members from the class that graduated 50 years ago come for "R-Day" and greet you and sponsor several activities for the families during the day. It was really cool to meet some of those graduates. We bought shirts that of course say "West Point Mom" and "West Point Dad" as well as window stickers for our cars that say "West Point Parent." Then we went back to our hotel for a nap. We were all emotionally exhausted!When we woke up, we headed back to West Point where we would walk around campus some more, watching the Plebes as they were drilled by the upper classmen or "Firsties." I didn't see Chase.
At 3pm we headed back to Eisenhower Hall for a briefing by the Superintendent, the Dean of Academics, and the Cadet in charge of Basic Training. I must admit it made me feel better. After that was over we headed down to Trophy Point where we would await the marching in of the Class of 2012 where they would say their New Cadet Oath. Amazingly, they were arranged by Company (Chase is in Company C-1), and then by height - tallest to shortest. This is one of those times when height was an advantage, because Chase was on the last row of his company so he was easy to pick out! As he marched down the road - and did his about face, we were standing just past where he was. He looked over his right shoulder and thankfully caught a glance of Randall and myself and gave us a quick smile! This was a huge blessing! The smile told me that despite the day of hell that he had just gone through, he was okay. I made my way through the crowd so that I was crouched down where I could see him perfectly and take some pictures of him. I could not see his face, nor could he see mine, but it was a blessing nonetheless.
I stayed where I was for as long as I could just looking at him. And then Randall tapped me on the shoulder indicating that it was time to go. Because we flew into New Jersey (which was at least an hour drive away depending on traffic) we could not stay for the entire Oath Ceremony. Turning around and walking to the car was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life! In the 27 years that Randall and I have been together, I have never seen him really cry, but I was falling to pieces, and so did he. We drove to the airport and I sobbed some more. I cried in the airport, when I got on the plane, and when we got to New Orleans and in the car to come home. After our flight delays and the drive, we got home at 1:30 am. As soon as I got home, I went to Chase's room and got in his bed and cried some more. Randall asked me what I was doing and I said under my sobs "smelling Chase." This was undoubtedly the saddest day of my life!
We slept a few hours and then went to work. I think I was so tired and still in shock so I was in a daze for most of the day. I did get online at usma.edu to look at the pics that had been posted by the academy and was able to pick Chase out in a few of them.Everyone misses him at the gym where he has been such a permanent fixture for 13 years! But we are all making it one day at a time. He has his first gym practice on Saturday - that will be a wonderful break for him and I cannot wait for the first time that I get to talk to him just to hear him say that he's doing great! I know this was long, but I really wanted to document everything from the weekend. Until next time . . .